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I have a Bachelor of Social Sciences majoring in Sociology from the University of Waikato, a Diploma in Library and Information Studies from the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, and a Diploma in Publishing, Editing and Proofreading from the New Zealand Institute of Business Studies.

I've travelled widely and have worked in libraries throughout the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.

After completing a diploma in creative writing at the New Zealand Institute of Business Studies I embarked on writing my first book.

While working on Nothing Bad Happens Here I developed an interest in writing flash fiction (short, short stories. Mine are around 300 words). I have been published in Flash Frontier, Mayhem Literary Journal, Flash Fiction Magazine and have a story in Fresh Ink anthology (published by Cloud Ink Press). I was long-listed and regional winner for my story New Beginnings at National Flash Fiction Day in 2016, and at the 2017 National Flash Fiction Day I had two stories short-listed and was regional winner.

I understand that proofreading and copy editing is a time consuming job for individuals and businesses, and I'm here to help in any way I can. I aim to take the worry and stress out of presenting your written work by turning it into a polished and professional document.

Please take a look at the services I offer and contact me today for a quote or more information.